C2Joy Colostrum Calcium Milk, natural immune system builder, helps you out of all kinds of health problems.
Let’s explore some of the Benefits of C2Joy Milk Over Other Colostrum Milk Products ❗

C2Joy milk has 2 times more IgG content than many other brands in the market today ( proven to contain around 337.5 mg while the other products average only 150 mg).

With this generous content, C2JOy milk has a track record of remarkable effect on the following:

improving our immune system

improving our memory

improving metabolism

reducing unhealthy body fat and accelerating the natural healing process of many types of diseases.

C2Joy Milk Formula contains Trucal Calcium, which is natural calcium extracted from cow’s milk with 99.9% composition close to human bone composition.

We all realise, how important our calorie function is to keep our heart beating and our lungs breathing.

Without calcium may lead to failure of the heart and our brain function! That’s why calcium is so important! But we need to be careful when taking calcium products !!!

Unsaturated calcium can accumulate in the kidneys and cause kidney failure! Calcium Trucal in C2Joy milk is a patentable, easily absorbed calcium in our body that is safe to consume.

By consuming 1-2 Sachets of C2JOy milk per day, we get an adequate amount of Calcium!
Customers can become lifetime members by buying just 1 box of C2Joy colostrum calcium milk. Members after experiencing its goodness, can introduce C2Joy to your friends and family, when new members join under your network and purchase C2Joy milk, you get paid good bonuses too.
1 box of C2Joy – RM120. ( You become a lifetime consumer)
Silver Package – 3 boxes for RM330 ( You become a lifetime dealer automatically)
Repeat Order Package – 3 boxes for only RM225
Gold Package – 12 boxes for RM1000 ( lifetime dealer with higher bonus margin)
Platinum Package – 30 boxes for RM2300 (lifetime dealer with highest bonus margin)
Once you become a lifetime member, you can purchase the basic Silver Package Repeat Order of 3 boxes for just RM225, inclusive of courier charges right to your doorstep.
You can enjoy C2Joy goodness and also be an independent business dealer, earning a steady income daily when you have a large number of people under you purchasing and consuming this wonder immune system building milk, in the C2Joy business network.