(1) By wearing the ball made of “RASAMANI” in our body we can walk speedly without tired.
(2) By doing pooja to the deities made with “RASAMANI” we can easily get rid of all the evil spirits of our family, trade & business.
(3) By keeping the ball made of “RASAMANI” we can stabilize the changes caused due to the natural changes like thunder, lightining, rain and over sunlight.
(4) No harmful insects like snake & harmful animals like tiger & lion will trouble us.
(5) It is very sure that you would be having an extraordinary satisfaction with your life partner in the bed times by keeping the “RASAMANI” BALL Your body.
(6) If we keep the “RASAMANI” balls made as 16 beads maalas & perform pooja to those beads, we will very surely see the God or the Almighty.
(7) We can have the supermost power in vasiyam (attraction), mohanam (loveliness) & aakarshanam (pulling of other’s mind towards us) by doing pooja to the “RASAMANI BALL’S”.
(8) By performing milk & honey abisheka to the idols like SriGanesha, Muruga, Shivalinga & Sri Ambal made of “RASAMANI” & intake the milk & honey, we can have a very good health, wealth & all the things we need in our life.
(9) By performing pooja to the Shivalingam, made with the nine herbal plants called as NAVAPAASHANAM (“RASAMANI”), found by the Siddhar “Sri Bhogar”, it is very sure that we will get the bleassing of Lord Shiva.
(10) By intaking the milk, dipped with the “RASAMANI” balls after taking the balls out. It is sure that we will get rid of problems like tired, body pain, pre-mature & quick ejaculation, paralysis, hydracles, and all kinds of skin disorders and it is very sure that we will have a very good physical strength, metal strength and energetic & pure blood.